Nature, external vision,
inspiration, inner vision

The Nature

Nature is an essential element of Villa Meriggio, just like its architecture. As Nature is part of the Villa, thus the Villa itself longs for becoming part of Nature in a sort of unbroken exchange and dialogue. Lawns, gardens, trees, spontaneous vegetation, areas more strictly regulated by human intervention or left to their course: anyone who steps across Villa Meriggio’s threshold is invited to be charmed by the manifold beauty of Nature.

External vision

Anyone who let him be charmed in such a way has the chance to go out of himself and identify within the beauty and life that exist beyond the limits of its ordinary experiences and mental coordinates: something similar to the very essence of love as described by P. B. Shelley: “[…] a going out of our nature, and an identification of ourselves with the beautiful which exists in thought, action, or person, not our own.” Nature and the silent inner dialogue that stems from it can bloom in this going out and identifying with otherness.

Inner vision

These are the physical and psychic experiences that shape what we name Meriggio: this is the sentimental and mental core that we inevitably keep and take along with us once we come back to ourselves. Living these contents means living the filosofia del Meriggio.


In one of his proses Baudelaire stated that nothing resembles more to the experience of inspiration as the joy by which children absorb colour and form, as if they were enraptured in a perpetual bliss. Through the experience of Nature and of this momentary loss of ourselves, of our principium individuationis, Villa Meriggio tries to take us to this state of bliss, to this prelude of inspiration.

Rules of the Game


  • Absolute respect for the place;
  • Predisposition to listen;
  • Live moments of reflection and silence;
  • Be open and ready to welcome expressions of culture with no facilitators, true and authentic in all their artistic forms;
  • Awareness of the philosophy of Meriggio.

Rules of the game


  • Absolute respect for the place;
  • Predisposition to listen;
  • Live moments of reflection and silence;
  • Be open and ready to welcome expressions of culture with no facilitators, true and authentic in all their artistic forms;
  • Awareness of the philosophy of Meriggio. 

Contact us

    Messaggio inviato con successo!

    Grazie per averci contattato, risponderemo quanto prima!

    Villa Meriggio
    Via degli Scaligeri 4 - 37067 Valeggio sul Mincio (VR) Italia

    C.F., P.IVA e R.I. di Verona: 04063020236

    Fapin S.r.l.
    Via Andrea Doria 6 - 37066 Sommacampagna (VR) Italia
    Capitale Sociale: € 100.000,00 I. V.
    C.F., P.IVA e R.I. di Verona: 04063020236
    Iscrizione C.C.I.A.A. di Verona – R.E.A. N.: 388877

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